Well, school has officially started and I've been exhausted! My bedtime has shifted to around 9:00 each night, and I definitely don't feel like doing much once I get home from school. Other than being tired, though, I've felt really good! Enough about me, here's what Baby Anglin is up to at 17 weeks:
Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and its umbilical cord is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and measures around 5 inches from head to bottom.
The "flutters" I started feeling a few weeks ago have gotten stronger and more consistent, and Todd can't wait until he can feel them too! I also had my first "real" craving this week: bean dip and fritos, which was crazy because it was at like 10:45 in the morning. It also passed pretty quickly, which was good since I was at school and definitely did not pack any bean dip with my lunch! :)