Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Number Sense

I love listening to Lindsay play.  She is getting into pretending now, and it is so fun to hear her talk to someone on the "phone" or tell her stuffed animals what to do (oh yes, we've got a bossy one on our hands!).

Last night was all about counting to herself.  Most people count to 3 (as in "1, 2, 3, go!"), but our little one has a thing for counting to 13.  So, after a few rounds of 1 to 13, our conversation went like this...

Lindsay: "...., 11, 12, 13!"

Me: "What comes next?"

Lindsay:  "Hmmm..."

Me:  "What comes after 13?"

After a brief pause, she looked at me and very matter-of-factly said, "Lindsay-teen."

Oh yeah, her future math teachers are going to love that. :)