Beware the Ides of March! Well, maybe not so much since it happened to fall over Spring Break. Todd and I had a great break this year -- he was in Vegas for a conference, and I got to stay home and get tons of things crossed off my never-ending "to do" list! On Thursday, I also got to go to the Rodeo with my mom, sister, and her friend to see the Black Eyed Peas concert. Here are a few photos of our night:

We tried the fried oreos... not so good. Ew. I'm assuming the other assorted fried foods offered here are just as greasy and just as unappetizing.

The calf scramble is always a highlight of the rodeo portion!

Another classic event... As the announcer said, "Strap your kids to a farm animal, it's time for some mutton bustin'!"

The Black Eyed Peas were awesome -- much better than I expected! We had great seats and sang and danced along with 74,000 other people in the stadium. Very different than the country concerts I've seen in the past!
It will be hard to head back to school on Monday, but before we know it, summer will be here. Only 9 weeks left!

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