- Lindsay loves to rock! She and Todd can rock in her rocking chair for hours if you let them.
- She LOVES to ride in the car (and by loves, I mean she falls asleep!). In fact, I figured out that little miss thing will fall asleep if you just put her in the carseat and carry it around the house. No car needed!
- We had our first adventure out of the house yesterday, just Lindsay and Mommy. To set the scene, keep in mind I hadn't driven since mid-December because of the bedrest, and Todd and I had only taken Lindsay out in public twice before. Plus, it was like 15 degrees yesterday. So here is Mommy, trying to carry carseat/purse/diaper bag/coat/scarf, worried about keeping Lindsay warm/quiet/happy/safe, and all the while trying to get comfortable driving again! She slept the entire ride and was totally fine... I, on the other hand, was just thankful we made it back home in one piece with all of our stuff! I'm glad it will get easier the more we start taking her out!
- She's a big fan of the song "Daydream Believer". It was the only song I could think of at that particular point in time, but it worked! I should probably look up the lyrics so I can actually sing her the entire song and not just the chorus. :)
Last weekend, we dressed her up and took some pictures in one of the tutus that Lolly gave her. Here is one of my faves:
I'll post more pictures soon!
What a cutie!!!! Love the tutu also! Congrats!