Lindsay is 5 months old! She is now 15 lb, 7 oz and is about 26 inches long. We'll get more "official" measurements when we head back to the doctor next month for more shots.
5 Months! |
Our latest tricks:
- can roll from her back to her belly AND her belly to her back, but definitely is better and faster at getting over to her belly!
- has officially found her feet and LOVES to play with them!
- will reach out and touch people's faces when they talk to her
- is a great shopper... sometimes Mommy and Lindsay go to stores just so she can look around!
- loves to be outside and is fascinated by trees
- pulls things to her mouth
- likes to "read" and listen to books
- smiles at pretty much anyone who will talk to her :)
- "sings" to herself in the car in the morning
- discovered how to kick and splash water in the bathtub
- wears size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes
Overall, Lindsay is just a really happy baby! She loves to smile at people (pretty much anyone who will talk to her) and loves to look around and observe new things. We are very blessed!
Lunch with Daddy on Mommy's work day! |
Silly bow to match a silly girl. :) |
We have officially found our feet and love to play with them! |
Love that she will sit and listen when we read books before bed! |
We LOVE Target! So many colorful things to look at! |
Hanging out at PBK - maybe we'll grow into these chairs in a few more years. :) |
Definitely in the best mood right after she wakes up in the morning! |
Yay for summer! Meeting Daddy for lunch during the week. |
We love our happy baby girl! I'm so glad it's summer so we can spend all day together!