Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Life with a One Year Old

I posted pictures of Lindsay's birthday party a while back, but I didn't post her "official" 12 month update... we're just too busy having fun around here!

What our little one-year-old can do now...
- crawls
- got 2 more teeth on top
- tries to drink from a cup... sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much!
- likes "cleaning up" (wiping tables, putting things back in their container, etc)
- pulled up to her knees in her crib, then quickly got the hang of pulling up to standing
- "feeds" her stuffed animals with a bottle
- pretends to answer the phone with a "hello?"
- loves our iPhones and can push the button and slide to turn it on
- says Mommy, Daddy, Abi, Lollie, Pops (in a whisper), hi, bye, Minnie, "I love you", snack, Elmo
- added more animal sounds to her repertoire (monkey, hen, chicken, duck, sheep, horse, dog, cat, cow, turkey, lion)
- can make a fish face
- talks to anyone and everyone we see!
- loves music and loves to dance when it comes on
- we still haven't found a food she doesn't like
- LOVES Minnie! (to her, Mickey and Minnie are the same person wearing different clothes!)
- weighs 20 lb, 13 oz, and is 31" tall
- wears size 3 diapers and 12 month clothes
- favorite things:  books, toy mailbox, Minnie

Some of our favorite 12 month memories:
Fish Face!
She's a great little shopper!
We've figured out this pulling up thing!

Here are a few more pictures of our one-year photo shoot at the park:

Happy Baby!
"I'm ONE"
Nothing girlier than a pink tutu and pearls!
Happy Birthday!

 Happy birthday little Lindsay!  We love you and can't wait to see what this next year will bring!

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