Saturday, April 12, 2014

2103 Catch-Up: Out of the mouth of a 2-year old...

(Editor's note: I found this post that I wrote last summer and saved as a draft... oops!  Publishing it now so we don't forget about the funny things she said...)

Now that Lindsay's talking a mile a minute, Todd and I are constantly cracking up at her funny comments!  I'm going to try to document a few of her best lines before we forget just how funny a 2 year old can be!

When a waiter brought her a dish of ice cream with sprinkles at a restaurant...
L:  Wow, that's crazy!
Todd:  What's crazy?
L:  It's a birthday cake!  But it's not even my birthday!  Wow, that's so crazy!

One grumpy morning, after answering "no" to several of Grandma's questions...
L: Today is a no day, Grandma.

At that magical bedtime hour...
Me:  It's bedtime!
L:  No thanks, Mommy.  Not yet.  I just need to play a little bit with my princesses.

While playing outside at my parents' house...
L:  Oh!  I need to go potty!
My mom:  OK, let's go inside.
L:  No thanks, I'll go in the grass.  Like a dog.
(side note: at that time, we were not potty training in any way, shape, or form... but it was a good time to explain that animals go outside and people go inside!)

When talking about her upcoming birthday...
Me:  How old are you going to be on your birthday?
L:  Hmm...
Me:  Are you going to turn 1?
L: No.
Me:  Are you going to turn 2?
L:  No, I'm gonna turn bossy.

Funniest random words this week:  ele-gators (elevators) and ga-zebras (gazebo)

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