Saturday, April 23, 2011

3 Months!

Little Miss Thing has turned 3 months old!  She now weighs 11 lbs, 8 oz and is 23 inches long.

3 months old!

Here are some things Lindsay is doing these days:

- blows lots and lots of bubbles!
- smiles all the time, especially right after she wakes up
- has gotten even more vocal - will try to mimic sounds and coos
- is starting to drool quite a bit
- has begun reaching for things
- LOVES music!
- is very curious about noises and moving objects
- has started to really grab things (blankets, clothes, hair).... and once she gets ahold of something, she doesn't like to let go!
- likes to watch NASCAR races with Daddy (I think it's all the noise and bright colors moving really fast on the screen)
- eyes are getting brighter blue
- her "old man hair" is almost gone, and light blonde hair is taking its place
- can hold her head up really well when you hold her.  Still not much of a fan of tummy time, but she is able to hold her head up briefly.
- wears 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers
- doesn't really use a binky (pacifier) unless she is super tired
- still fights sleep, but gives in pretty quickly when she is swaddled
- stays with Grandma Anglin when Mommy goes to work
- likes to "people watch" whenever we go somewhere
- is very cuddly and likes to be held and rocked
- has grown into a great sleeper... around 9 hours at night (for now anyway!)
- favorite toys:  birdie gym and vibrating bouncy chair

A great video that shows a little of her fun personality:

And here are some of our best 3 month pictures:

We are all smiles these days!
Car rides still put us to sleep pretty quickly.

After a bath... 

Lindsay loves to sit at the computer with Daddy!

Sleepy baby...

Lindsay hasn't really "discovered" her hands yet, she just knows she likes to put them in her mouth!

We wanted to see what Lindsay would look like with hair, so we used Mommy's hair as a "wig"!

So silly!

Lindsay's first trip to College Station.  We caught an Aggie Baseball games while we were there!

She still loves to cuddle... and that never gets old. :)

Happy 3 months Lindsay!  We love you! :)

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